Is your dog suddenly scared of you? Or perhaps, you have a new pet that won’t go near you. It’s tough to see that your furry friend fears you. You’ll want to care for him but that will be difficult if he doesn’t trust you.
If you have a rescued dog, chances are he’s not yet used to having a home or has had negative experiences with his previous owner. That’s why he finds it hard to get close to you.
Or, if it is an old pal that suddenly changes behavior, it might be because of negative training methods. Or perhaps, you’ve been stepping on his paws lately. Either way, you can resolve this issue and bring back the friendly and gentle pet that you love.
If your dog is not only fearful but is also aggressive, consult with a veterinarian. You’ll want to be sure that you’re using safe ways to gain your dog’s trust.
Also, this is one way your dog’s health can be checked. Diseases, pain, or discomfort can cause dogs to suddenly become fearful.
Dogs that came from shelters aren’t comfortable with quick movements, too much noise, and aggressive behavior. If you’ve had a bad day for instance and come home throwing things, your dog will pick up your mood.
If you have kids at home and yell at the little ones, your dog may also feel stressed. Your dog should feel that he’s in a safe environment. Refrain from displaying negative behavior around your dog. Your goal is for your dog to trust you so it’s a must to make him feel safe and comfortable.
You may also try carrying treats with you and giving your dog some occasionally. Do this in moderation, though, if you don’t want to end up with an obese pet.
If your dog is already starting to come near you, you may now try to play with him. Invest in safe toys, such as a ball and a frisbee, and play with your dog. If you love going outdoors, you might want to bring your dog with you.
Also, see if your dog will allow you to brush him as this can also serve as a good bonding activity. Engage your dog in one-on-one activities whenever you can.
The more time you spend together, the more your furry family member will get to know you, and eventually, learn to trust you.
If you feel that your dog will welcome you beside him, go and lie or sit on the floor with him. Talk to him about your day or ask him how he’s doing.
You don’t have to baby talk. You can use your normal speaking voice. The idea is to spend quality time with your dog. In which case, keeping treats handy may help.
Gaining the trust of a dog takes time, just as how it works with humans. So if your dog is shy and scared, be patient. Don’t push him too hard.
If you’re starting to feel frustrated or stressed with the situation, remember that you can always seek professional help. You can work with a dog trainer or a dog behaviorist.
There must be a reason your dog is anxious. Once you identify the cause, it should be easier to make him feel better.
Winning the trust of an anxious or scared dog requires different lengths of time. The process may take longer for some. Dogs are loving animals and chances are they also want to get close to you. Maintain a positive environment and don’t give up on them.