Puppy pad training is beneficial if you’re living in a high-rise building or an area with a cold climate. It can also be helpful if you’re working for long hours or have limited mobility.
If you haven’t tried pad training yet, don’t expect it to get done overnight. If you’ve owned dogs before or have someone close that do, then you probably already know that the process can be tough. But, success is not impossible.
To set your expectations, however, listed below are some points worth noting before pad training your puppy using pet pads.
Training is crucial because dogs will not learn from one-time instructions. They will not know what a pad is and what it’s for unless you properly introduce it to them. Your best furry buddy will need to be constantly watched over. That means you will be dedicating a significant amount of time to pad train him.
Some pet parents share they thought they already achieved success when suddenly, their pet does business anywhere he wants, again. Even before you see the results of your hard work, you will need to practice over again. And accidents are part of the training. At one point, you may feel stressed but don’t let that get the best of you. Those eyes watching you will feel your frustration, too.
Puppies are more challenging to potty pad train as they still don’t have an idea when they’re going. It’ll be harder to identify the signs that he needs to go to the toilet. But as your puppy grows, he’ll develop awareness of his body functions. You’ll notice he’ll begin to show more signs that he’s about to relieve himself.
Depending on the environment of a dog growing up or his heritage, it may require more effort to pad train him. There are dog breeds, such as Pomeranians, that are known for being challenging to train. On the other hand, if your canine companion came from a shelter, he may have been used to treating any place as his toilet.
When you yell or raise your voice, your dog will only find a way to keep that from happening again. He will still do his business elsewhere but only when you’re not around. The goal is to teach your dog to urinate or defecate in the pad whether or not you’re at home. Should accidents happen, clean the area immediately and never punish your dog.
You need to arm yourself with the necessary tools before starting the potty pad training process. Invest in a high-quality crate, leash, and collar. Prepare treats, too. Oh, and don’t forget the cleaning products and the potty pad, of course.
Keep watch of your furry baby and note the signs that he needs a potty break. He probably will stop playing or perhaps look more active. He might start whining or sniffing the floor. He may also rush to where he has done his business before. The more you spend time with your dog, the more you’ll get better at recognizing the signs he’s going.
Soon you’ll also learn more about your dog’s activities or toilet hours. You will see when he needs to be taken out. Note that this will differ for every dog. It can vary because of feeding schedules and the amount a dog has eaten or drank. Once you are more familiar with their schedule, then it’ll also be easier to manage the pad training process.
You’ll want to keep your dog in a designated place. It can be an unused bathroom or a closed off space with a gate. Lay down the pads in a specific area. Begin with several pads and try to remove one pad per week. If you see he uses the pads, that’s good. But if he does business on the floor, put back more pads again. Repeat as necessary.
When your puppy is out of his crate and is allowed to go anywhere he wants, expect accidents to happen too. He can go for a toilet break without you knowing. You need to keep an eye on your dog if he’s outside of his crate. If this will be difficult, use a leash so you’ll know when it’s time for him to go to the toilet.
There’s no instant success when it comes puppy pad training. Don’t be disheartened if your dog keeps making mistakes. Hopefully, the tips mentioned above will help minimize chances of him making accidents.
Every dog will learn at his own pace. Your commitment is a key ingredient, too.