If your house is home to both a pet dog and a pet cat, then it may be worth considering a dog proof cat litter box. These products have been specifically designed to keep cats in and dogs out so that felines can do their business in peace. However, with there being so many of them currently available on the market, it can be difficult to know which ones are the best and which exact product would be best suited to meet the needs of your pet cat.
To help you with that we have scoured the Internet to bring you a list of Our Top Picks. These are the six best dog proof cat litter boxes that money can buy. For each one we will provide a quick overview of its respective functions and features, states its pros and cons, and then finally award it a star rating out of five. After doing this we will make a final recommendation as to which one we think is the best of all.
The transparent swinging door on the front of the AmazonBasics Hooded Cat Litter Box dog proof makes getting in and out of it really easy for your pet cat. The fact that you can see through the door means you can easily keep an eye on your cat when they are inside of the dog proof litter box. It provides a nice and comfortable space in which your cat can poop and do its business without the fear of being set upon by a dog.
The snap hood on the AmazonBasics Hooded Cat Litter Box helps to contain any bad odors produced by your pet cet, as well as stopping cet litter from being accidentally knocked onto the floor. The none stick surface of the pan makes removing your cats poop a quick and easy process. Made from a high quality PP material, the dog proof litter box is robust enough to handle most knocks and bumps that come its way.
As well as being strong, the plastic material is also also resistant to staining, so will remain clean at all times. To make transporting the AmazonBasics Hooded Cat Litter Box from one place to another, it comes with a convenient built in handle.
Although it may resemble a storage bin, the Petmate Top Entry Litter Pan Cat Liter Box features a top entry hole in order to keep dogs out of it. In addition, because it is enclosed by a covering it stops unpleasant smells produced by your pet cet from escaping and contaminating your home. Cleaning the litter litter box is very easy thanks to the fact that the lid is on a hinge.
It comes with a litter litter pan with a top cover, which lets your pet cat’s litter drop into the pan after they have finished doing their business. The flat base of the Petmate Top Entry Litter Pan Cat Litter Box makes scooping your cat’s poop up really easy and ensures that it remains clean at all times. The litter tray can fit cats up to 15 pounds in weight, so makes it ideal for Persian cats and Birman cats.
The dome shaped Petmate Booda Dome Clean Step Cat Liter Box has a steep ramp on the front works to catch litter and stop an overflow from happening. The smooth surface makes it easy to wipe clean with a light soap detergent and a sponge. The round shape of the base of the litter tray makes scooping up your pet cat’s poop slightly difficult, but it is not a major inconvenience.
However, this can be easily resolved by using a small scoop with round edges. The Petmate Booda Dome Clean Step Cat Liter Box comes in two pieces but does not snap or lock into place. Because it comes with a handle on the top of the dog proof litter box, it can be easily transported from one part of your home to another or for when you are going on vacation. Thanks to its design, there is no way that your pet cat’s pee can leak out of it.
With the Petmate Booda Dome Clean Step Cat Liter Box being fifty percent larger than most other dog proof litter boxes, it is great for use with large cet breeds such as American Bobtails or British Shorthair cats. Included with the dog proof litter box is a charcoal filter and a liner, which work to keep any unpleasant smells that your pet cet produces well masked so that your home always stays fresh smelling.
This large litter box is great for stopping your pet cat from making a mess as a result of them burying, tracking, or pawing their proof litter. In addition, the Catit Jumbo Hooded Cat Liter Pan also also helps to keep any unpleasant smells minimised and well contained thanks to the many carbon filters that are included in it. Because of its large size, most cats are able to comfortably move around within it.
Similarly, for those owners with more than one cet, the Catit Jumbo Hooded Cat Liter Pan can be used for multiple cats in order to reduce the number of proof litter trays that they need to keep around their house. Because the dog proof litter box is made from a thick plastic, it is highly durable and can withstand being dropped when carried. This obviously helps to prolong the life of the litter box.
This is a top quality litter box that has been specially designed to keep dogs out and cats in. A metal hook is included with The Designer Catbox Litter Box Enclosure that makes picking up your pet cat’s poop very easy. Made up of two separate compartments, the proof litter box has an appropriately sized hole for your pet cet can enter on the side. It is in this compartment here the scoop for getting the poop is stored.
The other compartment houses the actual litter tray itself and has an entrance that is staggered and panel, which work to keep dogs out. This also also stops the contents of the litter tray from being accidentally knocked onto the floor by your pet cat.
There is also an outer hole that can wither be put on the right or the left depending on where Designer Catbox Litter Box Enclosure is going to be situated.
The wainscoting on the outside provides an elegant look that suits most interior décor styles. Similarly, if the white color is not suitable, it does come in black if that is more suited to the style of your home. Because the proof litter box features numerous safety features, such as a hydraulic safety hinge and none toxic paint that is free from lead, you can rest assured that your pet cet is safe when using it.
The tall dog proof litter box has a single entry hole at the top, which allows your pet cet to easily get in and out of the IRIS Top Entiry Cat Liter Box. The oval shaped hole is large enough to accommodate cats of all shapes and sizes, including large cats such as Ragdolls and Turkish Vans. It is available in two different colors so should meet the preferences of most cat owners.
The fact that the IRIS Top Entry Cat Liter Box has a lid on it helps to prevent your pet cet from making a mess and getting litter all over the floor. Similarly, the groves on the lid work to remove any pieces of cat s litter from your cat’s feet and so stop them from walking it all through the house. When it comes to cleaning the proof litter box, this is an easy thing to do given its oval shape.
Because the IRIS Top Entry Cat Liter Box has small rubber feet on the underside, it stops it from sliding and moving around when your cet is using it or when you are cleaning it. Because of the size and shape of the dog proof litter box, some larger cats can find jumping up and out of the litter box quite a troublesome thing to do.
Having reviewed each of these products you may now have a better idea as to which dog proof cat litter box is best for your cet. For any owner that is still unsure, these below frequently asked questions might help to shed some more light your way and thus help you with making a purchasing decision. These answers have been provided with the help of animal and industry experts.
For anyone that has both cats and dogs living together in one house, it may be no surprise that dogs will often attempt to get into the litter box of your pet cat. This behaviour can be highly annoying and generally creates a mess that needs tidying up. The reason behind it is that cet poop contains lots of protein, something that dogs like to eat because it has lots of value nutritionally.
Doing this (coprophagia) can lead to your dog suffering from a whole host of different health conditions. However, there are specially designed dog proof litter boxes boxes that work to stop dogs from doing this. We featured six of what we think are the best in the list of Our Top Picks. However, there are many other dog proof litter boxes boxes currently available on the market that did not quite make the grade.
These include the Modkat XL Litter Box, the IRIS USA Jumbo Hooded Litter Box with Scoop, the YesKitty DUO Large Covered Litter Box, the Nature’s Miracle P-96952 Hooded Flip Top Litter Box, the ScoopFree Original Self-Cleaning Litter Box, the Pxyz Cat Liter Box, and the Purina Tidy Cats Hooded Litter Box.
By placing your pet cat’s litter box in a place that your dog cannot get to is a quick and easy way of stopping them from eating poop from out of the litter box. Another method is to use baby gates, as these can keep dogs out of a certain room whilst not impeding your cet from freely moving around the house. If none of these things work, then you may wish to consider purchasing a dog proof litter box.
Keeping their dog out of the cat liter is the bane of many pet owners lives. However, there are a number of simple things that they can do in order to stop this from happening. One such way is by placing a physical barrier in the way of the cat liter. This can include something such as a door latch that only allows the door to be opened so far or a baby gate that only cats can fit through.
Another way is to change the design of the litter box. This can include using one with a cover on or one that sits inside of a piece of furniture, such as a cabinet. By removing the cat poop whilst it is still fresh, you get rid of any temptation that there may be. The use of an automatic self cleaning litter box will help to do this. Additionally, you can train your dog not to eat the cat poop or you can make it less appealing with a spray.
As any dog owner will tell you, dogs enjoy eating the poop of other animals and particularly that of cats. Although thus behavior is disgusting to us, it is something that is completely natural, as dogs, by nature, are scavengers. This is why they eat, or at least try to eat, most things. The strong smell and the fact that it smells like cat food is what typically attracts dogs to the cat poop in the first place.
This behaviour is called coprophagia and sometimes occurs because of a lack of a certain dietary requirement. Eating cat poop can actually be very harmful for dogs and so it is something that you need to stop your pet dog from doing. It contains various parasites and bacteria such as salmonella, which can be easily transmitted to humans. Similarly, if your dog swallows cat liter when eating the poop, that can also be problematic for them.
So we have done the individual product reviews and answered some of the most frequently asked questions about these types of products. This means that the only thing that is left to do now is make our recommendation as to which dog proof cat litter box we think is the best one of all. However, before we do this we must say that all those that featured were great and any one would be suitable for most homes.
In the end we settled on The Designer Catbox Litter Box Enclosure because it is a high quality product that is really elegant looking and boasts a variety of different safety features to ensure that your pet cat comes to no harm when using it. The only downside that we found with the litter box is that it is difficult to clean. This means that overtime the litter box can become unpleasant smelling.
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