Through out research we have identified what the best pet water fountain is that is currently available on the market. We have also answered some FAQs relating to water fountains in order to keep you well informed.
This boasts a 56 fluid ounces capacity and has four outlets for the water to come out through. Because these are on a higher level than the tray that your pet drinks from, it works to add oxygen to the water continuously. The Pecute Pet Fountain Water Fountain has a filtration system that consists of three different layers that work to remove unpleasant odors, food, hair, and any other impurities that may be in the water.
Thanks to the design of the Pecute Pet Fountain Water Fountain, you pet can either drink from the top level, the bottom level, or from the water stream. It is suitable for use by birds, dogs, cats, or any other common type of house pet - this can be a great moment to capture on the best pet camera.
Constructed from environmentally friendly materials, which are all free from BPAs, the fountain can be cleaned by either hand or dishwasher. Thanks to the submersible pump, very little noise is created when it is switched on and working.
A good choice for those households that keep many different types of pet, the PetSafe Drinkwell Cat and Dog Water Fountain has a large capacity of 168 fluid ounces. The fact that the water falls from a stream actually works to encourage your pets to drink more frequently. The filter is completely replaceable and uses carbon to eliminate any odors so that the water has a pleasant and fresh taste.
Because the pump on the PetSafe Drinkwell Cat and Dog Water Fountain is adjustable, it can be used for different types of household pets. It is made from materials that are completely BPA free and can even be put into a dishwasher. Suitable only for indoor use, the fountain cannot be used outdoors.
Providing your pets with a source of flowing water, the Cat Mate Pet Fountain boasts two different levels at which the water can be drunk from. The flowing water runs down a ramp that works to stop it from splashing and keeps the area surrounding the fountain dry. The cartridges in the filter are completely replaceable and are polymer carbon. This works to keep the water free for any odors and totally pure.
The pump system on the Cat Mate Pet Fountain is really quite when in operation and uses a small number of volts. This makes it safer and more energy efficient. Cleaning the bowls are really easy thanks to the fact that they are dishwasher proof. Cleaning the pump is equally easy thanks to the fact that it can be easily dismantled. The instructions that are included with the fountain let you know how to do this.
Providing your pets with a none stop flow of water, the Petmate Replendish Gravity Waterer comes at an affordable price point. Thanks to the gravity technology that it uses, the water in the fountain is kept fresh and pure, and also lengthens the amount of time between the need for refills. Coming with antimicrobial protection, the growth of harmful bacteria is halted and so the water is kept free from odor and does not stain the base of the fountain.
The Petmate Replendish Gravity Waterer comes in four different color options, as well as four different water capacities. This ranges from 66 fluid ounces at the smallest through to 532 fluid ounces at the biggest. Thanks to this, it can be used for household pets of various sizes. Because it is not connected to a power source, the fountain can be used outdoors and even taken with you on your travels.
The Catit LED Flower Water Fountain works by pushing filtered, running water to the top in order to get your pet to drink water more regularly throughout the day. It has three different settings for the water flow that should work to entice even the most fussy of drinkers. These are calm streams, bubbling top, and gentle water flow. Thanks to the design of the fountain, it takes up very little floor space despite its large water capacity of 101 fluid ounces.
The two stage filter in the Catit LED Flower Water Fountain works to remove traces of both calcium and magnesium from water out of your faucet. This helps to prevent health issues in your cat, as it stops a build up of these elements in their urinary tract. As well as this, it also gets rid of any bad bacteria, hair, debris, or odor that may be in tap water.
The fountain has been constructed using only materials that are free from BPA and pump is highly efficient when it comes to energy usage.
Boasting three different modes, intermittence, continues, and infrared induction, the HoneyGuaridan W18 Automatic Pet Water Drinking Fountain is a great choice for any household pet. When set to the intermittence mode, it pushes out water for an hour and then stops for thirty minutes. In the continues mode, the fountain pushes out water for a full day (twenty four hours), and when in infrared induction mode, water is dispensed when the sensor is triggered by a pet at a distance of up to one and a half metres away.
The HoneyGuaridan W18 Automatic Pet Water Drinking Fountain boasts a large water capacity of 84 fluid ounces and comes with a three filters. All though it can only be hand washed, the fountain is easy enough to dismantle. It has been constructed from materials that are free from BPAs and comes with a twelve month warranty.
Below are our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions relating to water fountains.
A cat water fountain is not that different to a regular human water fountain for drinking or even an ornamental one that can be found in yards across the country. The device typically works by sucking water from one basin, running it through a filter (just like an aquarium water filter for a fish tank), and then dispensing it back into either the same or another basin. When dispensing the water it is either shot up and out or down into a basin.
Water fountains are completely safe for cats to use and drink from. This is providing that you buy a high quality device and that you look after it well. A good device, such as any of those listed in Our Top Picks, will provide a constant flow of running water to entice your cat in. This is because the water is oxygenated, thanks to it moving, and therefore will be fresh and safe for your cat to drink.
Cats much prefer to drink running water rather than stagnant still water because it is natural and this is how they drink it out in the wild from rivers or streams. Another reason why cats prefer running to still water from a bowl is that there is no edge for their whiskers to touch, which can be disconcerting for them. Also, when drinking from shiny bowls, cats can sometimes be startled by their own reflection. This is not the case with running water.
One helpful way is to create the perfect environment for your cat. Because cats do not naturally like having their water near their food, then make sure these two elements are well separated. Another is to locate the water fountain in a part of your property where your cat feels safe to drink. Finally, you should never remove any other water sources that may be available to your pet cat, such as their bowl, no matter how tempting and intuitive this may seem.
From all of the devices that we review, we found the Pecute Pet Fountain Water Fountain to be the best one of all. This is because it keeps the water clean, creates very little noise, and comes with a one year warranty.