Not many pets can beat gerbils in cuteness, but they also serve as an exciting addition to your family. Also called the desert rate or the sand rat, gerbils have quite vibrant personalities. However, they require serious care and attention too, and that's when along with feeding them properly, you need to ensure that you're keeping them in the best gerbil cage. A cage needs to be spacious enough for your pets and has everything to keep them comfortable. Here are some interesting options to help you select the best gerbil cage:
Aqueon 10-Gallon Black Aquarium
BEST Aquarium
Rated by: Amber
The Kaytee Critter Trail 2-Level Super Habitat
Rated by: Amber
Ferplast Black Gerbil Cage
Best Portable
Rated by: Amber
Table of Contents
Quick Summary
Rated by: Amber
If you're looking for a no-nonsense way to keep your gerbil, you may want to buy this aquarium. You're going to love it if you don't want to spend a lot of money on a gerbil housing. It does the basics right and keeps your gerbils comfortable, but it doesn’t come with any bells and whistles like other cages.
The aquarium uses high quality glass, which is why it's going to serve you well for long. The tank capacity is reasonably good – it's a 10-gallon tank, so you can use the space to provide your gerbils with bedding, water bottle, and other accessories.
It's also a good choice if you aren't interested in wire mesh cages for safety reasons. The product is designed and manufactured in the US, which also tells about its quality.
Quick Summary
Rated by: Amber
The cage provides your gerbils with ample space to play and have fun. You'll like its many features, as it comes with a ramp, a bubble plug, and a port door connector. With these, you'll find it easy to accessorize the cage.
Another good thing is that it comes with two spacious levels as well as a petting zone to boot, which can be removed when needed. You won’t face any trouble in terms of providing your pets with good space because it offers 540sq.inches of space for them to enjoy. It’s also easy to access and clean with its two front doors. The only issue is that some buyers are not entirely happy with the water bottle.
Quick Summary
Rated by: Amber
It's a great cage for gerbils at any life stage. It's strong and sturdy, thanks to its wire mesh structure. The base is good and made of plastic, so it makes it easy for gerbils to explore all floors.
You'll like its double-floor structure because it gives your pet opportunity to relax on the upper floor and dig and play on the bottom floor. Thankfully, it doesn’t have elevated platforms, which can be hazardous.
The cage also includes a water bottle, a feeding bowl, and a little house along with an exercise wheel. There are side latches as well to ensure that your escape artists stay inside all the time. The only concern is that the door size is a bit on the smaller side.
Finding the best gerbil cage can be a test of your researching skills because not everything is going to work for this small animal. So many people go for a hamster cage and they get good results, but you'll be better off going with a cage designed keeping the unique needs of your gerbil in mind.
So, what is the best gerbil cage to buy? Well, it'll be a combination of a number of features. For instance:
Check the Construction
The best gerbil cage will have quality construction. It's better to avoid a gerbil cage with plastic components though. You may even want to stay away from gerbil cages with plastic tunnels, as this small animal can get big when it comes to chewing. Moreover, there's always a risk that your tiny little friend will end up ingesting plastic shards.
Some of the best cages for gerbils will have chew-proof enclosure along with a deep bottom to make sure that your tiny friend can enjoy diving into the sea of sawdust you've created for him. Going for a metal cage is usually the right choice because gerbils can be real escape artists, so it takes some effort to keep them confined in their gerbil cages. Glass gerbil cages may look great but they require weekly cleanings to prevent ammonia buildup in the tank.
It's important to gerbils cages that provide ample space for your little friend to enjoy. Remember, they need to play around and have other accessories, such as an exercise wheel and even a water bottle, so space matters a lot. As compared to their rodent cousins, gerbils are usually a lot more active and need space for substantial exercise. Ideally, the best gerbil cage will be no smaller than 36 inches, but going for a bigger gerbil cage is also a good idea if you'd want to add more accessories over time.
Here, you also need to consider the vertical height space. Some of the best cages for gerbils provide them with enough headspace to ensure that they feel comfortable while standing on their hind legs to navigate the world around them. Similarly, the best gerbils cage will come with a sturdy bottom to keep everything in order when this small animal acts like a meerkat. Metal and wood work, but you'll face no issue with any non-mesh platform.
Another feature you see in some of the most popular gerbil cages is that they come with a deep base because it allows you to use as much bedding as you want to keep your tiny, little friend busy all the time. A deeper base will also ensure that an overly enthusiastic gerbil doesn't throw poop out of the cage.
Security and Ventilation
As mentioning already, you need to consider the construction quality when buying the best cages, but make sure to check how secure it is. A cage with wire mesh may look great but may not always work for an enthusiastic gerbil. You may want to pick a gerbil cage with securely fitted topper because it works great to keep your pet safe. Quite interestingly, it will also maintain maximum airflow inside the enclosure, which is also essential for the overall health of your little friend.
Always keep in mind that the best gerbil cage will require little maintenance. That's where material matters a lot, as you'll have a hard time maintaining a glass enclosure. Moreover, you need to consider the layout of the gerbil cage and make sure it is easy to clean and provides easy access to the entire cage. Going for a larger gerbil cage seems to be a better choice but ensure that it uses the right design for easy access and proper cleaning.
The fact of the matter is that the best gerbil cages are available in various designs, but you need to consider how many pets you're going to keep and how often you can clean the gerbil cage. If it's not easy to clean, your tiny friend will never feel happy and healthy. Thankfully, you can easily find brands listed on guides offered by Amazon com, as many people now use affiliate advertising program or LLC associates program to educate you about the best way to find a gerbil cage.
Gerbils are really satisfying and enjoyable to have; however, there are a few considerations you may keep in mind in terms of their accommodation. First, make sure that you never leave a gerbil alone; they get depressed very easily. They get sad and sick from isolation; therefore, make sure to get a pair even if you have decided to spend a lot of time with them.
Never believe when a pet shop owner tells you what cage to purchase; in fact, you should actually do your own research and know by yourself what exactly you are looking for. Alternatively, conduct more of the internet work and take help from other people with gerbils who would be able to support you more.
Most gerbil cages in pet stores are far too tiny and unsuitable for gerbils. Gerbils like to dig in their accommodations, so the bedding can fall out of the bars of the cage very easily. Try an aquarium or a tank rather than a wire cage that functions a lot easier. However, you can try some of the best gerbil cages with deep bottom space, as they help keep the bedding in place.
If you have a pair of gerbils, 20 gallons is a decent room size if you're going for an aquarium. Still, keep in mind that the larger is always better because you'll be placing a water bottle, food dish, exercise wheel, and many other tubes and toys to keep your gerbils happy and satisfied. Moreover, you will also be able to see them play. If its look is not your primary concern, you may get one of the accommodations from any shop. You can take your gerbils out of a glass tube as they grow bigger though.
Speaking of aquariums, you can also get 30 gallons, and your gerbils will be more than happy. Fifty gallons will work well for a group larger than that. This allows them more than enough room to jump, dig, drink from the water bottle, and enjoy their treats from the food dish. And often, when they feast, they like to take food out of the food dish and away from their other siblings. When you have a big enough enclosure, you're likely to find them snuggling in a little group while eating, so when you get a seed, you're likely to sprint off to a corner or to a safe spot to feed. It's their tendency to feed separately from the party as far as possible. If your gerbils in a wire cage feel too crowded together for a meal, you'll hear them squeaking and not having a great time.
Gerbils and hamsters have a lot in common; they're both animals, both fit in your pocket, and they're both sold in pet shops, And all consume similar-looking food. But that's where the parallels stop in particular. They can stay in each other accommodations, of course, in the short term (though the gerbils are worse off in nearly all cases) – but none will be better matched to the others – or even you – because they have specific criteria. They're sort of like milk and butter.
Interestingly, the term cage is sometimes used to describe 'the location a pet lives in,' While hamsters usually reside in individual cages, gerbils prefer to stay in gerbilariums or tanks – also referred to as generic cages. Many hamster accommodations is not decent enough for a hamster, let alone a couple of gerbils. Likewise, certain gerbilariums are not necessarily matched to the number of gerbils displayed on the packaging – it's more about knowing what to search better beyond what they claim on the packaging. Some modern hamster set-ups have switched away from conventional cages and are more fitting (and safe) for long-term gerbils.
Let's look at Hamsters first:
Hamsters are typically solitary-living, slow-moving fur balls that enjoy a large, clean cage. They have a large body and short legs running through the tube, not pace. Although they could have stayed in the same location all day, they must have loved it.
They like to sleep in their cozy, brightly colored plastic house on a shallow surface of wood shavings (only enough to cover the plastic base) and sometimes – if the mood strikes them – they shift all the shavings over to one side of the tank for no real purpose. Because they don't need layers and layers of bedding, there's no need for a thick plastic foundation, or you wouldn't be ready to see your hamster all the way.
Now, let's look at gerbils:
Gerbils are usually group-living, fast-moving, streamlined animals that prefer the messiest-looking world a person has ever seen. They've got a slender body and huge back legs designed for agility and digging. If they were to sit in the same position for 3 minutes, they'd dislike it.
They sleep for a short period, then wake for some time, then sleep again. Normally they construct their shelter in a wooden hut underneath a few layers of bedding and most frequently – as is almost often the case – they reorganize practically all their bedding and chew through some items nightly, making the entire cage appear new every 24 hours.
Since they require a lot of bedding (enough to cover half of their cage material and create tunnels), a thick glass or plastic foundation is also required. Gerbils like to explore and push stuff about, and the parts of their cage are generally tossed back and forth every day and night, all day and every night. It's still special.
If you've assumed, the perfect gerbil cage is something entirely different than a hamster cage.
Gerbils require a set-up that doesn't have any edge plastic bits. You may have a flat polished rough plastic with no point of reference for chewing, and the points are ruined. There are, however, a few examples, as all the other alternatives are much less secure.
For gerbils – you always have to remove things from their cages on a daily basis – none can last a lifetime. And if you purchase anything amazing – don't get angry at your gerbils afterward when they ruin it a cage that is tiny or separated into little sections attached to plastic tubing is just not suitable for long-term gerbils and is looking for an exit and a total mess in your space because it has bared bits. Also, if you've got so many bits – your gerbils might start battling because they spend most of their time apart.
So many online resources now provide a means to learn how to make a gerbil cage and many Amazon services LLC associates have programs designed to provide you with more details, but it's always better to buy one instead of trying to make one yourself. You can't easily compete with a branded wire cage with wire mesh and right space for bedding, food dish, water bottle, and other stuff. If you really want to do it, understand a few things first.
The Gerbil seems to like temperature around 20 and 24 degrees. Temperatures that are exceptionally hot or incredibly cold are dangerous for Gerbil and may also contribute to death. While the temperatures differ considerably during day and night, the Gerbil has the ability to remain warm or cool in its underground tunnel network. In a household setting, this possibility is not available or even less, which is why care should be given to the air temperature. Gerbils' teeth are smooth. Furthermore, do use metal or wire mesh to make cages. Chicken wire is unsuitable; it's easy to push through.
Digging material
When the Gerbil decides to create tunnels in his loft, the building material must be available. Plain sand is not acceptable. It's drying out so fast, and it's brittle. The pipes could crumble, and the Gerbil will be stuck and suffocated. You will create the correct soil yourself by adding equivalent sections of the pre-packaged, sterilized pot plant dirt, peat, sand, and straw.
Attach a hand, or four triggered odor-proof carbon (aquarium component of the pet store). Moist this mixture before placing it in a jar. It must be well damp, but no moisture is permitted to leak when you pick it up. Attach a few stones that half of you cover with the drilling material and seal as well. The gerbils are shortly going to create their own caves. If you allow the gerbils to create a path under the window, you have a great chance of shielding the front of the cage with a dark sheet of parchment. You may delete this until the tunnel is enabled.
Wood shavings may also be used in lieu of grass. Ensure that there are wood shavings only as a ground cover, which may harm the eyes of the Gerbil.
Other Options to Consider:
The hamster cage: A ton of people uses the hamster enclosure for their gerbils. It is an option, but it is not the most suitable for Gerbil. The loft shall be at minimum 60 cm in size and, if necessary, multiple floors or sloping walls shall be made.
Ensure that you have always placed water bottle and food in their accommodations. Gerbil doesn't smell too unpleasant, so their cushions should be combined with the necessary digging stuff. Here it is going to be biodegraded. So, it's not too hard to adjust the loft.
Nevertheless, it is important to extract the soaked vegetables or fruit from the container every day and to moisten the surface of the digging material with a plant sprayer. It often needs to be achieved twice a day in warm climates. Be sure that you just use a plant sprayer for water so that no toxic substances are applied to the water as they are hazardous to Gerbil.
Finding one of the best gerbil cages with ample space to keep a water bottle, a food dish, an exercise wheel, and a number of other accessories is critical. Thankfully, you can find various popular brands with wire and glass cages, but if you're confused, you can trust the Kaytee CritterTrail 2-Level Super Habitat, as it's spacious, easy to clean, and reasonably priced. Try it today!
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