Best Dog Shampoo For Dogs With Dry & Itchy Skin

Best Dog Shampoo For Dogs With Dry & Itchy Skin

It’s usual for dogs to get dry skin. It’s their ‘go-to’ symptom. So many skin conditions can cause dryness, just like it happens in humans. Even so, the first reaction to your dog’s constant scratching is treat as for unwanted visitors by breaking out the doggy shampoo. You can look but you might not find the cause for sure, but at least there are ways to treat Fido’s coat to get rid of the dry patches and revive his coat’s luster. And one of the best option is to use the best dog shampoo for dry itchy skin.

Best Dog Shampoo for Dry Skin: Our Top Picks

SynergyLabs Veterinary Formula Shampoo

BEST for Price

  • Medicated shampoo
  • Effective against skin conditions

Rated by: Amber

Pro Pet Works Oatmeal Shampoo


  • Hypoallergenic
  • Natural ingredients
  • No harmful chemicals

Rated by: Amber

Burt's Bees Oatmeal Shampoo

Best for ITCH

  • Easy to use
  • Instant Itch-Relief
  • Suitable for all dogs

Rated by: Amber

1. SynergyLabs Veterinary Formula Shampoo

Quick Summary

Rated by: Amber

If you're looking to for a medicated shampoo to deal with different skin conditions in dogs, you may like this product from SynergyLabs. It works amazingly well to treat seborrhea in dogs.

Like any good quality shampoo, it doesn't contain soap, dye, or paraben. The combination of micronized sulfur, salicylic acid, and coal tar goes a long way in treating many skin conditions, including fungal and parasitic infections. It is great for dry and irritated skin of your dogs, mainly because it rehydrates skin using allantoin and colloidal oatmeal.

Overall, it's a great choice for anyone looking for a medicated shampoo, but the only consideration is that it is not hypoallergenic, and you have to be a bit careful when using it for the first time.


  • It helps treat scaling skin and seborrhea
  • It is suitable against dandruff and rashes
  • It contains vet-level components


  • It is not hypoallergenic

2. Pro Pet Works Oatmeal Shampoo

Quick Summary

Rated by: Amber

The best thing about this product is that it works as a shampoo and conditioner. It is completely safe to use because of its natural ingredients, including aloe and oatmeal.  You can use it regularly to help treat dry skin of your beloved dog.

Another great thing about this dog shampoo is that it contains natural ingredients, so it is hypoallergenic, which means you don't need to worry about triggering any allergies in dogs. The regular use of this product is likely to help you eliminate any unwanted odors, as it works by removing bacteria and parasites.

The presence of natural ingredients means it is not going to irritate your dog's nose or eyes during a bath. The only concern some people have is regarding its price, which could've been lower.


  • It contains aloe and vitamins for nourishment
  • It is free of alcohols, soaps, or parabens
  • It is safe for dogs with allergies


  • The price is a bit on the higher side

3. Burt's Bees Oatmeal Shampoo

Quick Summary

Rated by: Amber

It's yet another popular option for dog owners looking for a high quality natural shampoo. What makes it a hit is the fact that you can buy it in various scents and formulations, as per the unique needs of your dog.

The ingredients are quite safe and effective too, as they're all plant-derived and completely free of any harsh chemicals. You will also find honey and oatmeal in the mix, which is the reason why you can expect it to help soothe the dry skin of your furry friend.

Another good thing is that the shampoo is quite concentrated, which means that you will require only a small amount to create a rich lather. It also means a small bottle is going to last long.

 The only thing you may have to check is that the scent can be quite strong for some users. If that's not the issue, you're surely going to like it for its amazing quality.


  • It contains natural ingredients
  • It has hydrating and moisturizing properties
  • It helps relieve itch in dogs


  • The scent may be quite strong for some

4. Wahl Dog Shampoo

Quick Summary

Rated by: Amber

This paraben-free dog shampoo is a great product to help treat dry skin of your dog. It is also alcohol-free and pH balanced product, which means that you will notice instant itch relief after using it.

It uses oatmeal formula, which makes it a suitable choice to moisturize dry skin. Moreover, this coconut lime verbena scented dog shampoo can help clean dirty coats and eliminate the odor at the same time. As it produces thick lather, you will notice a cleaner coat everyone you use it on your dog.

The product is going to last for quite some time mainly because it uses a higher concentration of coconut derived sodding gent, so you have to use smaller amounts to get good results. You can rely on this shampoo even if your dog has allergies because it uses hypoallergenic ingredients only. 

But, it is worth mentioning that some users have found it quite ineffective for their highly sensitive dogs. So, it is better to be a bit careful if you have a dog with any severe allergies.


  • It contains natural ingredients
  • It offers itch relief in a short time
  • It is made in the USA.


  • It may not be suitable for dogs with severe allergies

FAQ - A Buyer's Guide

What is the Best Dog Shampoo for Itchy Skin?

Using your regular shampoo on your dog is not the solution, especially if your dog is vulnerable to skin problems. You need a specialized product and the best dog shampoo for dry skin, and a dog shampoo that can do the following is the one to buy.

  • It Maintains the Health of the Coat: Search for humectants in dog shampoo as well as a shampoo for puppies. Humectants including glycerine hydrate skin and help it retain moisture drawing it in from the air. Shampoos that contain ingredients like glycol, aloe vera, lactic acid and honey reduce dryness and itchiness. The ingredients also act as a lotion barrier against parasites, fungus and microorganisms.
  • It reduces odor: The best dog shampoo helps reduce odor, and emollient shampoo for dogs can help achieve it effectively. Emollient shampoos help restore a dog's coat back to its natural glossy luster. Non-lipid moisturizers rehydrate fur and make each shaft smooth for detangling and, as a bonus, they eliminate odor. These compounds have a high molecular density, which protects the surface of the hair and the skin. They are often paired with natural moisturizers such as essential oils or regular oils from colloidal oatmeal or formulated ‘safe for dogs’ aloe vera gel. Oatmeal aloe combination really works great in dog shampoos for dry skin.
  • It uses the right percentage of non-mixable substances: Along with natural ingredients, the best shampoo for dry skin also uses the right percentage of emulsifiers. Emulsifiers are used to evenly distribute moisturizing ingredients. The emulsifiers include cetyl alcohol, laureth-5, lecithin, dilaurate PEG-4, stearic acid, and methyl stearyl. The role of an emulsifying agent is to enable the suspension of one liquid in another, and they help create the best shampoo and conditioner for dog's dry skin.
  • It relies heavily on natural ingredients: Organic dog shampoo is a widely used product. There are many varieties on the market, including pumpkin, sugar cane, coconut oil, almond, shea butter, buttermilk and oatmeal. These ingredients are not included for their aromas but to gently hydrate and exfoliate with a vitamin and mineral soak applied directly onto the dog’s dry skin and coat.
 Grind several good handful of oats down into a powder and pour it into a warm bath. Typically, the oatmeal takes 10 to 15 mins to cool irritated skin whatever the cause. To avoid a full-on daily bath and lots of rinsing, make the oatmeal into a thick paste and apply it to the dry areas. 

What is the Best Moisturizing Dog Shampoo?

The best dog moisturizing shampoo is the one that doesn't contain harsh chemicals or harmful ingredients. You need to understand that not all dog shampoos help you in the same way, as their ingredients vary greatly. To get the best results, avoid shampoos with any artificial fragrances or dyes, as they're only going to irritate your dog's dry skin even further.

Instead, your dog shampoo should contain natural fragrances, like lavender, chamomile, citrus, and eucalyptus because they also serve as a moisturizing agent. Similarly, you may want to put your money on a dog shampoo with colloidal oatmeal, which is a natural moisturizer and known for its skin softening abilities.

The presence of glyceryl caprylate makes dog shampoo good for moisturizing your dog's skin and coat. Made from palm oil and coconut oil, it is a common ingredient in high quality conditioners and shampoos.

How Do You Moisturize a Dog's Skin?

When your goal is to moisturize your dog's dry and itchy skin, you need to put your money on a shampoo with the right amount of oil and natural ingredients, such as oatmeal, coconut oil, or oatmeal aloe combo. Not all shampoos for dry skin would work here, so you have to be careful and pay special attention to the list of ingredients.

While using the best dog shampoo for skin and coat will help, you should also keep the following points in mind to help moisturize your dog's dry skin.

Moisturize with a Healthy Diet

Any dog is healthy as its diet so begin by looking at what the dog eats, including the treats. If they are on dry complete food, the chances are the dog is dehydrated. Try adding warm water to his meal to make a gravy and making sure water is always available. Whilst dry mixes are nutritious and convenient, there are no substitutes for real meat and well-balanced mixer. Go for a good tinned brand of dog food with added vitamin E from fish oils.

You can also look at including natural supplements, such as a raw egg whisked into a splash of milk daily or a few drops of evening primrose or cod liver oil in their main meal. Olive oil has many natural benefits and one that’s unique to the fruit is strong hydrating properties. Add half a teaspoon to their food.

Dry and itchy skin is a symptom of several dog ailments including stress, tick, flea and mite bites, fungal infections and cold windy weather. Other things are allergies to pollen, detergents, perfumes and smoke and certain foods including wheat and dairy. Then there’s hypothyroidism and worms and leaving a long coated dog too long between grooming. All make skin dry and itchy. Dogs like a good scratch but an itchy dog is just miserable and in dogs, dry itchy skin can be a symptom of so many things. 

Moisturize With The Right Products

Using the best dog shampoos for dry skin is important but understand that excessive bathing also creates dryness as the detergents strip away oil, the dermal defenses. To minimize the drying effects, only use shampoo designed for a dog's skin and without any harsh chemicals. There are many kinds, from anti-tangle or hypoallergenic to puppy and black. Just avoid the cheap brands. Aim for a wet bath about every six weeks and rinse, rinse, rinse. Don’t use the hairdryer, instead pat the dog down with a towel and allow the fur to air dry.

In the meantime, groom daily with a soft-bristled brush to get rid of shed skin, fungal spores and parasites and to spread the natural oils the dog produces across the coat. You can also spread the oils by stroking.  

Moisturize by Using Water and Sunshine

Dogs need water constantly. Vets have reported that many pets are presenting with kidney, urethra and bladder damage due to long term dehydration. Most of the dogs were fed a complete dry mix. Even if you use a wet mix, the rule is always dogs need more water than you think. 

Most dogs love the outdoors and the sun and just as with humans, sunshine is good for their metabolism. Like us, dogs use the sun’s energy to convert vitamin D into a form their bodies can use and vitamin D is good for your dog's dry skin, eyes, fur, joints and bones.

What Can I Use on My Dog's Dry Skin?

Your dog's skin and coat can get damaged when you use products with harsh chemicals.  The best shampoo dogs will contain natural ingredients and essential oils, especially when you're dealing with hot spots and damaged dog's coat. The best shampoo for dog with itchy skin will go a long way towards resolving the issue, but you can get good results using the following natural remedies.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that helps to prevent aging. Scientists believe antioxidants prevent free radical destruction which leads to aging. For a dog, vitamin E oil provides a natural defense against harmful UV rays which are beneficial to the skin, especially if your dog spends a lot of time outdoors.

Natural oils are equally beneficial, and Vitamin E oil can also be used to hydrate dry skin and recently, vitamin E has gone on sale as a non sticky gel. You need to massage these natural oils onto the skin through your dog's coat. It’s completely safe if they lick some off.

50/50 ACV/water Spray

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) offers natural safe comfort for particularly dry, itchy skin, and is, therefore, one of the most common ingredients found in the best dog shampoo for dry coat. Apple cider vinegar is antiseptic and has antifungal properties making it a great remedy for poison ivy although it’s definitely not for use on open scratches and sores.  Go for a warm 50/50 solution and use a sponge to dab on the solution. 

Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal is an ancient cure for our dry, itchy skin and it’s perfectly safe to use on dogs. Many hypoallergenic dog shampoos contain oatmeal extracts for calming and combating inflammation.


In essence, treating a dog for dry skin is as simple as treating a human. However, dogs complicate things by being easily trapped in the itch-scratch cycle. The constant scratching makes everything so much worse and they increase their vulnerability to infection as bacteria are transferred into the wound from their paws.

Dogs in distress will continue to gnaw, nibble and scratch at a spot even when it is incredibly sore. They need to see the vet for antibiotics right away and some anti-scratch medication that is usually given intravenously. The vet may advise further tests to get to the bottom of the issue and treat the underlying cause. But, to avoid all this, be sure to invest in the best shampoo for dry skin and use it early to ensure your dog doesn't have to deal with an infection.

About the Author Steven