Best Cleaning Tips for Your Aquarium | iPetCompanion

Best Cleaning Tips for Your Aquarium

Aquariums are a beautiful addition to any home and can be considered a living art piece! Not only do you get to care for some of the most beautiful aquatic creatures, but you can decorate your tank in a number of different ways. While they certainly are incredible, they can be challenging to maintain. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the best cleaning tips for your aquarium so that you can keep everything spick and span. 

Avoid overfeeding

Overfeeding can lead to a range of problems in your tank and isn’t good for your fish’s health. Feeding once a day is more than enough, and if you do forget, try not to overload the tank with feed the following day. They won’t eat it!

Just like most animals, what goes into a fish, must come out. So, the more you feed, the dirtier your tank will get. Increased algae growth and  pest snails  are just a few of the problems that can arise.

Pick up the right supplies

To keep your aquarium in its best condition, you want to choose the right supplies for the job. This way, you can save time cleaning and ensure it is done correctly. Handheld scrubbers and brushes are always a good choice for tough stains, but you may also want to get a gravel cleaner to suck up muck at the bottom of the tank.

Magnet cleaners are also great, to keep the glass shining and don’t forget a fishnet if you will be moving your friend around.

Avoid leaving your light on all day

While you might be tempted to leave your aquarium light on all day, it can actually lead to an increase in algae growth. It would be best if you tried to only have it on for around eight hours a day, to avoid this. As well as this artificial light, you should also try and keep your tank out of direct sunlight. As this can be even worse for algae growth.

Test the water regularly

To ensure that your fish are in a healthy environment, you need to make sure that you test the water regularly. A tester kit will be able to determine the different levels of nitrite, ammonia, nitrate, and pH so you can make the appropriate corrections.

These different levels can play a significant role in both your fish’s health and condition of your tank, so you should always keep them on hand. The sooner you find out what’s wrong, the better.

Figure out the problem then choose the solution

When it comes to solving common fish tank problems, it’s easier to start from scratch and fix each issue as it presents itself. For example, bacterial blooms may emerge, which can turn the water in the aquarium foggy. You might also notice the water turning green or becoming smelly.

Once you’ve determined what is wrong, you can then do your research and choose the appropriate method of action. The last thing you want to do is start putting your fish through stress with contraptions and chemicals that might not even work.

Try not to overclean the tanks

While it might be tempting to want to keep your fish tank as clean as possible, you shouldn’t overclean it. This can destroy the natural balance of the environment and strip it back of good bacteria.

While there is no set guide of how often you should clean your tank, if you’re doing it every week, something may be wrong. You could have too many fish in the area, not a large enough filter, or as mentioned above, are overfeeding.

Replace your filters when needed

When you own an aquarium, it’s crucial that you observe your filters and replace them when necessary. This can be expensive, but it is a vital step in ensuring the health and safety of your fish. Over time, they may stop working or will become less effective.

As a guide, filter foams should be replaced every 4-6 weeks; however, filter pumps, O-rings, and impellers only need to be changed if you notice structural damage. When you first set up your tank, it can be beneficial to purchase two of everything, so that you can change things quickly.

And that’s it! By following the above tips, you will be able to have an incredible aquarium. Depending on the size of your tank, it may also be beneficial to hire a professional if you don’t feel confident. However, with the right equipment, you can save time and money doing it yourself. Good luck!


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